This figure is from 2006. No tech Spec exists for this figure. The spec itself has everything at 10.

Primus in cartoon
Primus is the creator-god of the Transformers. An ancient and ethereal being whose origins date back to the beginnings of the universe itself, Primus is a multiversal force for good, his life force existing across multiple realities and infinite alternate universes. In each one, he is the final defence against his fallen sibling, Unicron the Chaos-Bringer.
Primus eventually transformed himself into the planet Cybertron; from its surface, his creations have risen to defend and patrol the galaxy. Within the depths of Cybertron, the mega-computer Vector Sigma serves as his internal mainframe, and a gateway for select Transformers to access his power. A portion of his life force resides within the Matrix, which often determines the leader of the Autobots. Prophecies of a war to come were written down in his holy covenant as well. The spark of each Transformer is a small piece of Primus's essence, and together they form his life force, the All spark.
Though wise and powerful beyond measure, Primus is neither infallible nor without weakness. At times he has been deceived by mere mortals, and has made miscalculations which jeopardised all of existence, and has been betrayed by one of his earliest creations. Indeed, even the intended agents of his grand plan, the Transformers, have all too frequently become mired in endless civil war. Still, in most realities he has managed to hold the line against Unicron and other threats, either directly or through his innumerable children, the Transformers.
The G1 version of the legend
Before the dawn of time, Order and Chaos existed within an extra dimensional entity known as The One. To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. Both brothers were multiversal singularities, unique in all realities, but whereas Unicron could only exist in one dimension at a time, moving between them at will, Primus existed simultaneously in all realities at once. It is suggested, in fact, that the two brothers embody the basic concepts of reality—good and evil, order and chaos—and that their continued existence is necessary for the stability of the multiverse.
Primus in cartoon
As Unicron and Primus went about their appointed task, venturing through the cosmos, it became apparent to Primus that Unicron was a corrupt being, and he took it upon himself to stop the threat posed to all of existence by his sibling. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron. In cunning, however, he proved himself to his brother's superior when he shifted their battle to the astral plane, and then back to the physical world once more, only to have both their essences manifest within metallic planetoids, leaving them both trapped. It was with this act of sacrifice that Primus hoped to contain Unicron's evil forever. Unfortunately for him, over time, Unicron learned to psionically shape his prison into a giant metallic planet, and Primus followed suit, becoming the mechanical world of Cybertron. When Unicron then learned to transform his planetary form even further, into a gigantic robot form, Primus adapted the idea to suit his own ends—rather than transforming his own body, he would create small beings that would be able to change their shape, like Unicron. After performing a "test run" on the moon of Protos, where he successfully created twelve transforming robotic beings,
Covenant he birthed from his own body a group of thirteen robots that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. These were the thirteen original Transformers, each one infused with a fragment of Primus's life essence known as a spark.
The Thirteen were Primus's soldiers in his war with Unicron, which came to its seeming end during a climactic battle in which one of the Thirteen, Megatronus Prime, who would forever afterwards be known as the Fallen, betrayed Primus and became an acolyte of Unicron. The battle ended when the Fallen and Unicron were sucked into a black hole and disappeared from reality. With Unicron gone for now, Primus entered an eons-long slumber, his self-imposed sleep preventing Unicron from detecting him through the mental link the brothers shared. The Transformer race grew, and Primus fell into the realm of legend, with a portion of his power, the Matrix of Leadership, handed down through the generations, serving as the Transformers' ever-present link to their creator
Primus in robot mode
Robot Primus in battle mode
planet mode (Cybertron)
Planet weapons mode
Planet battle mode
Planet Omega lock with Cyber keys inserted
His robot mode is not quite as big as Unicron. He is not really like Unicron considering they are twins but they have similarities like the shape of their legs.
To Transform him you need the Omega lock but if not it can be done by hand . It also comes with two Cyber keys which are slotted into the planet to activate arm cannons and you can slot them into the Omega lock for storage.
He has lights and sounds. When you put him into Battle planet mode he makes a noise.
In robot mode then you push the Omega lock into his chest and push it up to reveal head his eyes light up and he makes laser firing noise.
He is more planet like and round like a planet rather then the shape of his brother Unicron. He has legs to stand on and he has cities, meteor craters and other nice details.
Gimmick wise Unicron is better but get this as well as he is a really nice figure. I like them both equally.
In robot mode Primus does not have any real feet but flaps. Just like Unicron he has lots of articulation in his hands.
On his planet mode he also has some minicon ports.
I like this Cybertron colour scheme rather than the latest version of this mould.
Unicron is complicated to transform but Primus is much easier but The omega lock can be stiff.
He fires two missiles from planet and robot mode. You can flip the oval like pieces on his legs round to reveal guns on his legs. You can also flip some guns onto his shoulders.
He is a very posable figure.
A great figure along with Unicron for display.