He is from 1985. He is the leader of the Dinobots and he is the most demanded out of the group. In the cartoon he was all muscle and no brains. He just wanted to fight along with the other dinobots. He said such sentences as " Me Grimlock, Me smash Decepticons"
Grimlock, Sludge and Slag were built in SOS Dinobots in series 1. The Autobots were getting their butts kicked by the Decepticons so they built them to help them fight. They found some Dinosaur bones in the Arc from a cave in some mountains. Wheeljack and Ratchet designed the Dinobots. At First they were just wild beasts and were out of control smashing up the Arc. They stopped this when Wheeljack used his magnetic inducer to De activate the Dinobots. Optimus ordered them to be sealed back into a cave in a mountain where the bones were originally found.
The Autobots stopped the Decepticons draining energy form a power station. The Autobots were captured. Bumble Bee went back to the arc. Ratchet and Wheeljack were fixing up the Arc after the Dinobots rampage. They realised they were outnumbered and could not win so they re-activated the the Dinobots. they put intelligence enhancing components into their heads so they could talk. The Decepticons were smashed by the Dinobots. Optimus was so impressed he kept them.
In "War of the Dinobots" a meteorite crashed to earth and they deployed the Dinobots to guard it or the Decepticons would drain its energy. Megatron knew he had no chance against them so he sent Soundwave out to try and find their weaknesses. He discovered that Grimlock was arrogant, Slag was hostile and Sludge was simple.
Megatron used these weaknesses to turn them against Optimus Prime and the Decepticons were able to get to the meteorite and drain its power.
The Autobots discovered that the meteorite was unstable after analysis and could explode so they has to destroy it. Optimus went to the dinobots to tell them this but rather than guarding it the meteor was gone and the Dinobots were waiting to attack him. There was a fight and Optimus lost and was taken by Grimlock to Megatron.
The Decepticons realised that the meteor was indeed unstable as the energon cubes instantaneously exploded. Opitmus tried to warn them that the whole lot would blow but they would not listen.
At this point the Autobots were building another two Dinobots. Snarl and Swoop. They picked up the energy readings from the meteor and sent the new Dinobots to destroy it and rescue Optimus. There was a battle between the dinobots. The Decepticons fled as they realised that it was going to blow up. Optimus saved Grimlock as he was right by the meteor. The dinobots went cack to the Autobots when Optimus saved him. Grimlock said that he was jealous of Optimus and was promised more be the Decepticons.
In "the ultimate doom" the Dinobots stopped a tsunami and in " Heavy metal war" the Dinobots fought Devastator. In series 2 "Dinobot Island " were the dinobots were taken to an island to train . It was inhabited by real dinosaurs.Decepticons went to the island and drained the island of energy. Anomalies occurred in the future. The Autobots managed to save the island. Also in series 2 the dinobots got tired on Autobots and that the were on cybertromium. the Dinobots life force. It had dried up. Shockwave sent some over to Decepticons as they wee suffering too. The Autobots sent the dinobots to steel it so they could be repaired. The Dinobots however were fed up and went to Cyberton ignoring there orders. TThey did eventually came back. In the rest of the series if the Autobots needed muscle they sent the Dinobots in.
In the G1 movies the fought Devastator. It was mostly Grimlock that appeared. As a whole they did rescue Kup and Hotrod with the help from wheelie form the Quintessons and later the dinobots had a battle with Unicron. They did not make much headway except a bit of damage. he swatted them away.
In series 3. They did not really appear as a team and did not really do anything. It way mostly Grimlock. This was greeted by outrage by the fans as he became a joke and lost his past personality. At one stage he was waring an apron. Why? It was a joke.
The only other significant episode " Grimlocks new brain" The Autobots went deep into Cybertron as they were all malfunctioning thanks to something that the Decepticons did. Grimlock saved them by biting a control panel which stopped the malfunction. In doing so he absorbed the power and became super intelligent. He went on to build the techno bots and sacrificed his intelligence so they could become the bright ones instead of him and fight Obomnibus.
"Call of the primitives" Primacron created Unicron. Unicron rebelled and tried to kill his creator so Primocron tried again and created Tornatron who was make of energy. he was a n energy cannibal. He drained all life out of Cybertron. The Autobots and Decepticons were battling on the moon. It was at this point that all the animal transformers were called by Primotrons assistant. he looked rather like the Matrix of leadership. He called Grimock and the dinobots. The Terrorcons Predacrons, Animal cassettes and Tripticon and skylinx. They all went off the follow the signal. Tornatron turned up and drained life from the moon and earth leaving it dead.
The primitives (animals)went to the asteroid where they were being called to. Primacron created the first Primitive. The assistant had the idea to take down Primacron and stop Tornatron. Tornatron turned and drained the live from Triptacron. he fell over and squashed Grimlock so Skylinx thinking he was dead fired on Tornatron but Skylinx was drained. All the primitives scattered at this point but they were hunted down by Tornatron and drained of energy.
Primacron did not know that Grimlock actually survived otherwise he would have killed him. He went to Primacrons base. At this point Tornacron rebelled and was going to try and kill Primacron. Grimlock arrived and did a reverse switch on Tornatron and everything was returned to how it was.
Gimlock ruined Primacrons base but he was the hero.
I don't know much about Grimlock in the comics although he did have the same level as intelligence as the other Autobots. He was a battle hardened warrior and arrogant. He still had runs ins with Optimus as he was jealous they battled. When Optimus Prime dies he was elected the leader or king of the Autobots. He was brutal and cruel. He did not mind killing anyone or thing as long as he killed the Decepticons. Blaster saw how out of control he was a leader and he rebelled. Grimlock was defeated and ran off. The rest of the Dinobots were killed and wracked with grief and guilt eventualy begged Wheeljack to reformat him into a Mustang car. He did not want to be a Dinosaur anymore with out the rest of the team.
MOTTO: "Among the winners, there is no room for the weak"
FUNCTION: Dinobot Commander
ALTERNATE MODE: Tyrannosaurus Rex
" Most fearsome and powerful Dinobot. Although dedicated to the Autobot cause, resents authority. Cold, merciless, but a valiant warrior. Has contempt for the weak including all humans. great strength, uses jaws to break almost anything in to. Carries energon sword and galaxial rocket launcher in dinobot mode. other than arrogance and lack of speed, has no real weakness."
SPEC Strength 10, Intelligence 7, Speed 3, Endurance 10, Rank 9, Courage 10, Firepower 8, Skill 10
Grimlock, Sludge and Slag were built in SOS Dinobots in series 1. The Autobots were getting their butts kicked by the Decepticons so they built them to help them fight. They found some Dinosaur bones in the Arc from a cave in some mountains. Wheeljack and Ratchet designed the Dinobots. At First they were just wild beasts and were out of control smashing up the Arc. They stopped this when Wheeljack used his magnetic inducer to De activate the Dinobots. Optimus ordered them to be sealed back into a cave in a mountain where the bones were originally found.
The Autobots stopped the Decepticons draining energy form a power station. The Autobots were captured. Bumble Bee went back to the arc. Ratchet and Wheeljack were fixing up the Arc after the Dinobots rampage. They realised they were outnumbered and could not win so they re-activated the the Dinobots. they put intelligence enhancing components into their heads so they could talk. The Decepticons were smashed by the Dinobots. Optimus was so impressed he kept them.
In "War of the Dinobots" a meteorite crashed to earth and they deployed the Dinobots to guard it or the Decepticons would drain its energy. Megatron knew he had no chance against them so he sent Soundwave out to try and find their weaknesses. He discovered that Grimlock was arrogant, Slag was hostile and Sludge was simple.
Megatron used these weaknesses to turn them against Optimus Prime and the Decepticons were able to get to the meteorite and drain its power.
The Autobots discovered that the meteorite was unstable after analysis and could explode so they has to destroy it. Optimus went to the dinobots to tell them this but rather than guarding it the meteor was gone and the Dinobots were waiting to attack him. There was a fight and Optimus lost and was taken by Grimlock to Megatron.
The Decepticons realised that the meteor was indeed unstable as the energon cubes instantaneously exploded. Opitmus tried to warn them that the whole lot would blow but they would not listen.
At this point the Autobots were building another two Dinobots. Snarl and Swoop. They picked up the energy readings from the meteor and sent the new Dinobots to destroy it and rescue Optimus. There was a battle between the dinobots. The Decepticons fled as they realised that it was going to blow up. Optimus saved Grimlock as he was right by the meteor. The dinobots went cack to the Autobots when Optimus saved him. Grimlock said that he was jealous of Optimus and was promised more be the Decepticons.
In "the ultimate doom" the Dinobots stopped a tsunami and in " Heavy metal war" the Dinobots fought Devastator. In series 2 "Dinobot Island " were the dinobots were taken to an island to train . It was inhabited by real dinosaurs.Decepticons went to the island and drained the island of energy. Anomalies occurred in the future. The Autobots managed to save the island. Also in series 2 the dinobots got tired on Autobots and that the were on cybertromium. the Dinobots life force. It had dried up. Shockwave sent some over to Decepticons as they wee suffering too. The Autobots sent the dinobots to steel it so they could be repaired. The Dinobots however were fed up and went to Cyberton ignoring there orders. TThey did eventually came back. In the rest of the series if the Autobots needed muscle they sent the Dinobots in.
In the G1 movies the fought Devastator. It was mostly Grimlock that appeared. As a whole they did rescue Kup and Hotrod with the help from wheelie form the Quintessons and later the dinobots had a battle with Unicron. They did not make much headway except a bit of damage. he swatted them away.
In series 3. They did not really appear as a team and did not really do anything. It way mostly Grimlock. This was greeted by outrage by the fans as he became a joke and lost his past personality. At one stage he was waring an apron. Why? It was a joke.
The only other significant episode " Grimlocks new brain" The Autobots went deep into Cybertron as they were all malfunctioning thanks to something that the Decepticons did. Grimlock saved them by biting a control panel which stopped the malfunction. In doing so he absorbed the power and became super intelligent. He went on to build the techno bots and sacrificed his intelligence so they could become the bright ones instead of him and fight Obomnibus.
"Call of the primitives" Primacron created Unicron. Unicron rebelled and tried to kill his creator so Primocron tried again and created Tornatron who was make of energy. he was a n energy cannibal. He drained all life out of Cybertron. The Autobots and Decepticons were battling on the moon. It was at this point that all the animal transformers were called by Primotrons assistant. he looked rather like the Matrix of leadership. He called Grimock and the dinobots. The Terrorcons Predacrons, Animal cassettes and Tripticon and skylinx. They all went off the follow the signal. Tornatron turned up and drained life from the moon and earth leaving it dead.
The primitives (animals)went to the asteroid where they were being called to. Primacron created the first Primitive. The assistant had the idea to take down Primacron and stop Tornatron. Tornatron turned and drained the live from Triptacron. he fell over and squashed Grimlock so Skylinx thinking he was dead fired on Tornatron but Skylinx was drained. All the primitives scattered at this point but they were hunted down by Tornatron and drained of energy.
Primacron did not know that Grimlock actually survived otherwise he would have killed him. He went to Primacrons base. At this point Tornacron rebelled and was going to try and kill Primacron. Grimlock arrived and did a reverse switch on Tornatron and everything was returned to how it was.
Gimlock ruined Primacrons base but he was the hero.
I don't know much about Grimlock in the comics although he did have the same level as intelligence as the other Autobots. He was a battle hardened warrior and arrogant. He still had runs ins with Optimus as he was jealous they battled. When Optimus Prime dies he was elected the leader or king of the Autobots. He was brutal and cruel. He did not mind killing anyone or thing as long as he killed the Decepticons. Blaster saw how out of control he was a leader and he rebelled. Grimlock was defeated and ran off. The rest of the Dinobots were killed and wracked with grief and guilt eventualy begged Wheeljack to reformat him into a Mustang car. He did not want to be a Dinosaur anymore with out the rest of the team.
FUNCTION: Dinobot Commander
ALTERNATE MODE: Tyrannosaurus Rex
" Most fearsome and powerful Dinobot. Although dedicated to the Autobot cause, resents authority. Cold, merciless, but a valiant warrior. Has contempt for the weak including all humans. great strength, uses jaws to break almost anything in to. Carries energon sword and galaxial rocket launcher in dinobot mode. other than arrogance and lack of speed, has no real weakness."
SPEC Strength 10, Intelligence 7, Speed 3, Endurance 10, Rank 9, Courage 10, Firepower 8, Skill 10
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Robot mode with sword |
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Robot mode with blaster |
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Alternate mode-T-Rex |
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