This figure is from 1986. He first appeared in season 3 "Five Faces of Darkness" part 5. His final appearance was season 4. He is G1/Generation one
MOTTO: " Vigilance is the foundation on which victories are built"
FUNCTION: Battle Station
TECHSPEC: " Startlingly versatile, staggeringly strong, the Autobots last line of defence. A mighty instrument of titanic destructive force. Extremely modest about his achievements. berets himself for not doing more. In robot mode, he can lift 70,000 tonnes. Has shoulder mounted twin high energy laser cannons and omni directional receiving and transmitting antenna. In city mode has helipad and fully equipped repair bays that can handle four vehicles at once. left rear tower transforms into tank, slammer who has rocket propelled mortar cannon. scamper is sports car with side mounted electro blasters transforms into robot. Uses high energy particle beam pistol. Six gun is a small robot, has ion pulse rifles for arms, twin surface to air guided missiles launchers on his back, acetylene pistol. In battle station mode uses all these weapons and twin disruptor rays, laser lances powerful anti matter projectors."
SPEC: Strength 10, Intelligence 8, Speed 2, Endurance 9, Rank 8, Courage 10, Firepower 10, Skill 9
Slammer side |
Scamper front car mode |
Scamper side view |
Scamper robot mode |
Six gun robot mode |
City mode |
City mode with mini cars |
Weapons platform mode |
Weapons platform mode with head up. |
Slammer front mode
Finally robot mode with weapons
Metroplex in robot mode is a big toy. He is a bulky figure. You can store weapons in the back of his legs and in his chest. He comes with lots of weapons. He has a turret that is on his shoulder. He has flip out laser cannons. Two hand held rocket launchers and finally some arm mounted rifles.
Vehicles can be fitted onto the robot mode on his shoulders and knees
In city mode Scamper or Slammer fits into the repair bay in the city. A ramp can be pulled down and a launching mechanism used to propel him out. Slammer becomes a strange turret on the back of the city and does not play any part in this mode. The city has a Helipad which can be used for mini Helicopter or Cosmos.
This is a toy/play set. You can use your other mini transformers with it so well worth the money. Try to get this as complete as possible but you can pick up spares on numerous Internet sites.