Wednesday 10 October 2012


This figure came out in late 2008. He was part of the 25th Anniversary line. All the figures of that period was 25th anniversary up to early parts of 2009.

This is classics Galvatron. The story is the same for all Galvatrons. It is Megatron reformatted in a more powerful body.

This figure is the ultimate Battle Megatron as a tank so this figure is obviously him reformatted into Galvatron not the gun as some of his other forms have been.

This classics form of Galvatron to my knowledge never got into any fiction of any kind. Which is a shame as he would have been good in a comic.

Arrogant, powerful and ruthless, Galvatron has emerged to seize control of the scattered Decepticon forces. He has formed what was once a loose confederation of assassins and warlords into an army capable of threatening the entire universe. Rumours abound, but no one knows where he came from; they know only that he arrived, and swiftly crushed all opposition to his rule. Some Decepticons hope another leader powerful enough to challenge him will emerge, but most are too afraid of him to even hope for someone better.

SPEC; Strength 10, Speed 9, Rank 9, Firepower 9, Intelligence 9, Endurance 10, Courage 9, Skill 10

Tank Mode Front View
Tank Mode Side View
Unofficial Ground Artillery Mode
Robot mode
Galvatron is now in earth mode in the form of a tank. He has nice moulding in this mode. The bright orange barrel is a little strange but forms his cannon i robot mode. the cannon is the iconic weapon of Galvatron so they could not leave it off. The beam cannon shoots a missile. It does have silver paint on it to break up the orange. He has silver paint on the tank also. I am not sure if the tank would look better lite purple but the original toy was grey and it does not look like Galvatron. It has Galv 25 representing the Anniversary.
The button that you press to shoot the missile is a reddish orange but it would have better grey. they really like this colour.
He also has a set of rocket launchers on his turret that shoot six missiles.
The tracks have nice details
It is strange though as the front of the tank looks like a piece is missing or that some thing should be clipped on but I know nothing is missing so a bit of a mystery
The turret turns 360o but is not secure and flaps around.
He moulded lights on the tank are unpainted.
You can see one of his hands on the turret which is a shame but not too obvious and you can see his feet under the tank but it does look like a flap.
It can be tricky to unclip when transforming as it is such a tight fit. It does fall apart sometimes which is frustrating.
The feet can be unclipped and used as feet in tank mode so he can walk but I think this looks silly so I don't bother.
He also had a ground artillery mode. It is not really his space cannon mode from G1 but it is not bad for a fan mode that I saw on You Tube. It reminds me of Brawls mode in Fall of Cybertron.
You do not have to have it as I have it in picture as it is a fan mode and you can have it how you prefer.
Robot Mode
With everything falling off during transformation I find it easier to do this then clip it all on again later. little kids will need help.
In robot mode there is defiantly more purple and his face is cartoon accurate and Galvatron. He has good light piping so he looks realistic.
He also has a red panel on his stomach which is G1 accurate
What is the little orange thing between his legs? it looks
He has a big cannon and is slightly different to the cartoon as it is longer.
One arm is longer because of the cannon and he has the insignia on his shoulder.
He does not stand that well as he has not heel spurs so have to use kibble
One of his hands is a claw and the other is more human.
He can get stress marks on his thumb so watch out
His head can fall back into his torso but I think this is quality control.
He had good articulation and can be posed.
This is a good figure  but would have been better with a Voyager scale rather than Deluxe. He is the mighty Galvatron
He is not the best because of the mentioned problems but looks good on display.
There is also a Hankai version which has some chrome on it. This could be more pricey. There was also the repainted version in a three pack in universe 2.0. E-Hobbie brought one out in translucent plastic which looked pretty good. again pricey. This Universe version is worth having.

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